had nothing to do with llro really.........
its just based around your friends, and as i said when i did a review for number one the voice acting sounds to faked... and that mics are terrible
had nothing to do with llro really.........
its just based around your friends, and as i said when i did a review for number one the voice acting sounds to faked... and that mics are terrible
hmmmm XD
hmmm well then just to be like every 1 else who review'd this and i quote "you have potential" glad to see you have stopped just drawing and moved onto animation hope we get some more from you but hey heres an idea something most good flashes need something i think you need for these if you plan a second 1 A PLOT
heh, thanks, yea, im gonna be working on a more detailed sequil =)
you have been my fave artist for a wile now and that animation proves it, there never was and never shal, be any body as good as you
yeah iv seen you on llro alot
iv never been to much of a fan of pink death, saw the second one on the llro forums, for your first flash you have done quite well, please though if your planning a part 3, get a better microphone caz UR 1 SUCKS! quite funny though i guess although, beacuse it was named llro ruined my life, you should not just be talking about your selfs non stop. -simba
made me laugh, might get blammed caz it aint an animation but it was still pritty dam funny
that wiz fucking immence! front page material
zomg the fish scenes wer so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!11 man that hole flash seriusly rocked