wow.... amazing
i actualy had to watch this like 10 times in a row........ is there sublimininal messeges in it to make people rewatch it O.o???
got the fealing you dont no what a hicci is......... WHO CARES THAT WAS FUCKING AMAZING
wow.... amazing
i actualy had to watch this like 10 times in a row........ is there sublimininal messeges in it to make people rewatch it O.o???
got the fealing you dont no what a hicci is......... WHO CARES THAT WAS FUCKING AMAZING
FueraCo: flash mx raped the olsen twins in a back ally once without even blinking
Fololo 311: GOOD
FueraCo: i was like WOW i didn't know you were so powerful flash mx!!!!
FueraCo: and he gave me a haypenny
Fololo 311: huzzah
hmmmm XD
hmmm well then just to be like every 1 else who review'd this and i quote "you have potential" glad to see you have stopped just drawing and moved onto animation hope we get some more from you but hey heres an idea something most good flashes need something i think you need for these if you plan a second 1 A PLOT
heh, thanks, yea, im gonna be working on a more detailed sequil =)
it dont matter how good it is
Its not Microsoft sam, its speakonia and judging by your rage im geussing you are very immature
ok just one work WOW
Ill assume you mean word and thanks.
gotta say this is nicly dun
another wy to get perpetual motion is take a cat (always land on there feet) and some butterd toast (always lands butter side down) tie the toaste to the cats back and give it a slight toss, it cant decide wether to have the cat land on its feet or toast butter side up and spins:D
well doesnt really but HEY:d
That's a good one! I love dumb jokes like that. Hmmm, that might be a good idea for an animation.
shuddent u hav at least put credits saying that the song if from team america but other then that i liked the banana.. but hey it made no sence and that APELES 2 ME gettit banana ape... ahhh dm
You can't stop here, this is bat country.